9 painfully realistic new years resolutions

  1. I’ll unplug my charger when it is not in use.

    • Remember the energy crisis? Yeah me neither. 

  2. I’ll stop clicking on Youtube videos without looking at the time stamps first.

    • No judgement, however long you choose to spend on a how-to video of restoring a 16th century painting is the right amount of time, but just be aware!

  3. I’ll refill the Brita every night before bed. 

    • I always say I’m going to drink more water and never do, so at least I’m setting myself up for hydration success.

  4. I’ll try to use all the produce I buy, even the big buckets of baby spinach.

    • My heart goes out to all the plant matter that has lived a happy life in the warm soil and died freezing and wilted in my veggie drawer.

  5. I’ll use actual shaving cream.

    • Although let’s be real, it’s just razor lube. 

  6. I’ll actually spell out HBU

    • Because taking five seconds to ask How About You feels worth it. 

  7. I’ll say no to plans I have absolutely no intention of following through on.

    • I won’t have the quarantine excuse forever, so…

  8.  I’ll remember setting spray before I put on my mask.

    • I’m a bit out of practice when it comes to make up, but I’ve finally gotten good at strapping that mask on before any excursion. 

  9. I’ll be kind to myself.

    • Remember, at least God is getting a good laugh out of all our plans.


Kay is a Los Angeles resident DIY girl. Her creative streak runs through many mediums. When she is not writing or crafting custom furniture, she is making music or Etch-a-Sketch art. She hopes to one day write comedy in Hollywood or New York, but for now she just makes memes.


2021 grant me the serenity


A Year In Review