Without warning,
images of you disrupt
the brief quiet of my mind
like storm clouds heavy
with water insistent
to burst upon a clear sky.
And in a flash,
I am flooded
with memories of you
holding me
when I was a child.
My little body and arms
wrapped tightly around you
like a baby koala bear
while you moved from
one place to the next
in search for
a resting place
and a face.
Mom, I can still hear
your restless heart
against my ears.
The deafening pain
that relentlessly
pursued you.
Your tumultuous sea
that threatened
to drown me.
Oh how I yearn to break
through the stillness
of your ashes
to give you this poem
and to tell you
how sorry I am
that my love
was too fragile
to carry the weight
of your tears
and that I pray
that the infinite hole
you felt in your soul,
that I now feel in mine
will shortly be filled
by the One
who has no beginning
and no end.