a letter to 2020

Dear 2020,

You have been challenging, heartbreaking, and down right unpredictable. If I’m being honest it’s been one hell of a year. I must also say that you will not break us, and by us I mean humanity. I know it seems like humanity has lost our human aspect, but there is still hope. Because, we, as a human race, are too very challenging, heartbreaking, and downright unpredictable. The battle this year is not with you, but with ourselves, our insecurities, our fears, environment and leaders. 

2020, you have set us on fire and I mean that figuratively and literally. Just like nature we shall rise and blossom into a new way of living, a new way of thinking and a new way of coexisting. 2020, you’ve brought many things to light; I don’t think you realize it but you are giving us back our sight. You are showing us that life is not only short, but complex and something that cannot be discussed or described in black and white. You have shown us that love is not just a word that should be spoken, but one that should be shown and put into action. 

This year people have died, most by the hand of an “accident”. Whether it’s the nine lives lost on the helicopter that crashed in Calabasas or the growing number of lives lost to the COVID-19. You have brought on civil unrest and a divide that has not been felt in centuries. While these are a few examples of the pain you’ve caused, I believe the biggest downfall of the year is that the United States of America doesn’t seem very united at all. We are picking political parties over souls, choosing power over what’s right and choosing conflict over peace.

I would be ashamed of myself if I sat here and wrote this and didn’t discuss the fact that this year has had some good. In quarantine, families that haven’t spoken in years have reunited. Generational traumas are now being discussed and broken. The God I serve has not only blessed me, but has blessed many others with jobs, homes, peace, new beginnings, and has shown people that they have the power to adapt and overcome anything when they put their faith and hands to work

So I don’t accept the notion that 2020 is the worst year. I say that because you are talking to a man that is a believer, a man that has had some terrible years, a man that has the type of faith that cannot be moved by man made problems. Although the world is at odds, there is a greater power at work and this too shall pass. 2020 is the year of conversation and understanding. It’s the year to sit down and have tough conversations with people that have opposite views, beliefs, and lifestyles than you. We are more than our money, more than our politics, and more than our greatest fear. 2020, you have not won, this fight is just beginning. Dear 2020, on behalf of my brothers and sisters of the human race I thank you for the challenge and let me be the first to say challenge accepted.



X is a writer based out of Central California. He draws inspiration from conversations with friends and his own personal experiences. His passion for writing stems from the need to change his thoughts into something tangible that can be felt and experienced. He strives to find new ways to tell his stories and the stories of others. He also aspires to show people that we are more alike than we are different.  

Xavier Lee

X is a writer


The False Promise of All-Inclusive Love


Why LA Drive Like That?