I Don’t Want To Be An Example
I don’t want to be an example
I don’t want to be the poster-child for a good girl
for a bad girl
for a woman who sticks up for what she wants
or a woman who is easy to take from
I just want to be bloody
alive and someone laughing at the party
I want to cry in Ralphs
and scream when someone tells me to smile on the street
and I want to be left alone by men in public
and not have it be a fucking statement or whatever
I don’t want to be unlike other girls ‘cause I am one
I want to have boogers and period stains
and I want to have food in my teeth in all of your selfies
I want to laugh when I am happy and kiss with my eyes open
and I want to forget about shaving until it is me that gives a fuck
I want to eat fast and messy as an ode to the years I spent not eating at all
and I want to tell the men who told me I ate like a lady then to get absolutely fucked
I want to make art with the hair that I pull from my drain
and I want to dance under a moon with those who bleed with me
I want my voice to crack when I sing
and my gut to spill over my pants while I drive
I want to be
Not an idea
Not a love song
Not a thing to be pursued
Or stolen
Or shamed
Or hated
Or loved
Just a human
Standing in line at cvs
With an armful of pads
and cashews and condoms
and a birthday bag for $4.99
Mackenzie Hunt is a writer, a therapist, a student and a plant mama living in Los Angeles. When she isn’t playing in her garden you can find her writing at her desk or eating (an insane amount of) seafood Alfredo pasta. Her collection of poetry, The Becoming, was published in 2018 and is available on Amazon.