Looking For Blood in East L.A.
They’re getting rid of all the benches and roofed-over bus stops and everything else designed for
people to enjoy without having to break their own hands for it
But now you can’t sit anywhere unless you have stock in the brand’s name & financial future
You just can’t sit anywhere now, without having to show money in your hand for it
All night and the whole day, over & over, up and down the street and sideways, too
Even those untouchable, holy things like ocean-view sunsets—somebody somewhere thought
people should pay to see the orange and blue of another day dying, so there it is:
that’s where we are
Alex is a journalist with background in visual art and poetry. Originally from Ukraine, he's lived in America for 15+ years. Warren Zevon, Lou Reed, Harvey Milk, Patti Smith, and Laurie Anderson are some of his heroes. His on-going love affair with freeform verse is Allen Ginsberg’s fault. In writing as in life, empathy is everything.