Happy reading

Jeff Bender Jeff Bender

An Old Kind of Mad

This was a one-armed conflict a wounded lesson left on the battlefield beyond and the earth below where stories no longer make a sound but wheels go round and round

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Courtney Fay Courtney Fay

Tuesday Night

I can’t remember a time I ever felt excitement at his homecoming. Though, I am sure I had to have once. I’m sure there were days in the beginning, before I knew who he really was, that I felt happy when he was coming home. Now, when I see his headlights come down the driveway, it’s ominous.

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Jayanthi Rangan Jayanthi Rangan

Hair Regime

Today she cut her tresses for Amini – Killed by morality police for baring her hair. While the vice squad flaunted their long beard Amini was slain for an untucked strand of hair.

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Piper Summer Piper Summer

Last Rites

I cannot let you sleep. No, not now, not after everything I’ve done to resurrect you. It’s fruitless. I shake God’s hand and the deal won’t go through. Transaction pending.

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Adrienne Pine Adrienne Pine

My Mother In The Afterlife

When I was growing up, I sometimes felt like a monster because of my resentment of my mother. It grew from a sense of injustice, of being treated harshly and unfairly, weighing me down. After my mother died, my father accused me of not loving her. “I did love her. I loved her as children love their mothers. But she didn’t love me.

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Konrad Ehresman Jr. Konrad Ehresman Jr.

My New Years Resolution: No More Dieting

Society gives fat bodies superpowers, we are the only ones who can be both entirely too much and shockingly incomplete, an overdone ostentation and a work in progress.

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Rachel Richmond Rachel Richmond

so we can stay like this forever

you promise each other that you will, that you’ll stay like this forever, because you’re all sixteen and none of you know yet how quickly people will burst in and out of your lives (how could you possibly know?)

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Claire Murphy Claire Murphy

It Could Be Worse

Trying to ignore my pressing worries and the rapid swelling taking place under my scarf, I chose to continue on with the rest of my last day with my friends. A couple laughs and glasses of Sangria later, I laid in my non-air conditioned, 103-degree hostel bunkbed restless, yet unable to move. I don’t particularly believe in hell, but my guess is it would be something similar to this.

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