Happy reading

Monica Viera Monica Viera


I couldn't handle the responsibility...the power of female hair and ached to be bald- Asexual. Neutral. Untethered.

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Alan Caldwell Alan Caldwell

Those Who Can

You wish you hadn’t saved that letter of recommendation for 24 years, the Word file you avoid almost every day, the one you never got to send. You wish he had taken a different route, or maybe if he had driven a little slower.

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Hannah Mitchell Hannah Mitchell


they say that the days, they’re long, but the years are so short and before long, just a furlong away, you’ll discover that there’s no finish line –

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George Frederick George Frederick

To The Cop Who Did Not Kill Me

“I didn’t do anything. You don’t have to shoot me.” I repeated it over and over again, a mantra that I had learned along with nursery rhymes as a child. The boy looked nervous, and I knew that he just had to flinch, and I would never see my parents again. Somebody would lie and say I tried to run or had a gun and my story would be over right there.

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Roan Achillion Roan Achillion

You Like A Boy

You like a boy. You met him by chance in November, and he makes you nervous. You like a boy, you may even love him, but you’re too young and too inexperienced to say for sure.

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