the loudest silent protest

It doesn’t take a lot to rattle the world.
You can simply kneel.
The world won't seek to understand your message, but seek to destroy it;
The world will ask what you’re doing before they ask why you’re doing it.
The world will bring in reinforcements disguised as your friends to knock you down.

Hold your ground.

Hold your ground because like Moses the ground you are on is sacred.
For what God has for you is more valuable than any contract.
Your message has made direct contact.
Just like all the greats, they will write about you.
They will write about how you kneeled and how your mouth stayed unsealed.
They will write about how those with a worst past tried to diminish you and taint your name.
They will tell you to change your appearance,
Not realizing that your very appearance is what gives the gesture life and makes the world upset.
One day they will see that you were right and they were wrong.

Let’s hope that it won't take too long.

X is a writer based out of Central California. He draws inspiration from conversations with friends and his own personal experiences. His passion for writing stems from the need to change his thoughts into something tangible that can be felt and experienced. He strives to find new ways to tell his stories and the stories of others. He also aspires to show people that we are more alike than we are different.  

Xavier Lee

X is a writer


Ay, paison, let’s dismantle white supremacy


American Pandemic