Under the sea, there’s anxiety
I haven’t been this deep in the ocean since the last time I got rolled
I was trying to wade, standing,
Holding up each pant leg
When the rug was pulled
And suddenly I’m out of breath
Now I’m not sure which way is up or down, what is sand and what are seaweeds?
The crashing in my ears sounds like storytelling,
And I wonder if the sun reads
Eyes shut tight, my face is filled with fire
I’ve lost the sense of having arms but there they are adrift in front of me,
While my feet are reeling for friction like a tire
Down I get, I discover I’m laying on the seafloor
Soon as I pop back up for air the water comes at me with more
I thank the lord for the half breath I drew but now I really know the score
Ocean two, me point five
It’s not like losing on land, where at least you can see rock bottom
It’s like sinking in quicksand head first like you took a nosedive
All my strength is poured out, and fatigue is filling in the spaces
By now I’ve washed up on the sun’s shore, dragging elbows spell a love story for its warmth
And I thank my lucky stars that I’m in the ocean’s good graces.
Kay is a Los Angeles resident DIY girl. Her creative streak runs through many mediums. When she is not writing or crafting custom furniture, she is making music or Etch-a-Sketch art. She hopes to one day write comedy in Hollywood or New York, but for now she just makes memes.