voting season thoughts

In this year’s election I pray we all cast the ballot of love towards our neighbor, the ballot of understanding when our beliefs are challenged, and I pray we cast the ballot of compromise. I’m afraid this year’s election is going to do more bad than good no matter who wins. I have seen more hate and division than I have in my 25 years of life. We are forced to choose sides, when there aren’t much of any options. In many ways I believe we are going backwards. We have started to hate each other just because other people don’t think the same way we do. When both sides believe they are not in the wrong, I start to believe there is no right choice. 

Call me crazy, but I think we are putting too much faith in these two men. These two men who are both flawed, who have both have made mistakes, and yet we fight for both as if they are perfect. We try to rationalize one wrong with another, as people are constantly trying to compare sins instead of just calling a sin a sin. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it or who says it. If we as a nation are not united by the end of election night, then can either side really celebrate a winner? America has already been lost. We are more than our political parties; we are stronger when we celebrate our differences rather than belittle each other for them.

I believe as a country we would benefit if we practice more humility. Yes, I believe we are a special and unique country, but this notion that everything we do is great and nothing is ever our fault has to be abandoned. The evidence of this is in our politics, both sides are so quick to talk about others' downfalls but become silent when the same action is brought onto them. We need to humble ourselves before God does. No man or woman is above anyone, we are all lost and trying to find our way in this thing called life, so why not have humility and compassion for one another. We can never expect a perfect system when the system is run by imperfect people. In my opinion, humility is one of the strongest forms of strength, and self-confidence. Anybody can talk about the good parts of themselves and hide the bad and that’s what both parties are doing. The platforms for both have been of hate for the other, and no platform of hate can ever truly win in the long run.   

I believe we are better than what we are showing the world. We are showing the world that it doesn’t take much to divide us. We are showing that we are not as united as we say we are. As a country we are not perfect, far from it actually. The history of our country is one of bloodshed and great remorse, but our history has also shown us that we are capable of change, we are capable of leading a new way of thinking. We are still a fairly new country compared to most and with that comes growing pains. We must allow our country to Grow and to mature like we all are. We must give our country a sense of grace and love. The United States of America will not change until we do. It doesn’t matter who we vote into office, this is a heart problem not a political one. We are our greatest enemy, but also our greatest ally. I still believe the year 2020 is the year of vision, we just have to accept God’s vision and not our own. In closing, I pray for safety, understanding, love, and most of all peace. 


X is a writer based out of Central California. He draws inspiration from conversations with friends and his own personal experiences. His passion for writing stems from the need to change his thoughts into something tangible that can be felt and experienced. He strives to find new ways to tell his stories and the stories of others. He also aspires to show people that we are more alike than we are different.

Xavier Lee

X is a writer


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