She was created immaculate,
Sculptured of clouds and constellations
She’d be the manifestation as the physical embodiment of Oshun,
Birthed through the tree of life
Her divinity be the center of eternity
The rising and falling of the sun she be the moon,
The curator of my euphoria
The light of the star that our world orbits couldn’t shine the sky the way she brightens up a room
My goddess, my muse
She be amazing like the way the earth blossoms, her melanin, her hue
Mysterious like the night time sky,
Such a celestial view
Set The Versifier is a poet from Inglewood. He is a griot telling his people’s story of blackness. He has a book published on Amazon titled, "H.E.R Heavens Epitome Realized. An Ode To Black Woman!”